Sister Wives

It’s Over: Meri Slaps Kody and Robyn After They Misrepresent the Value of Coyote Pass, Leaving Fans Delighted!

Recently, Sister Wives fans pointed out that Kody Brown is stalling while working with Meri and Janelle Brown.

Meri goes to Kody and Robyn to confront them about the worth of Coyote Pass but rattles them in the process. When she discusses the land, Kody pushes back.

Revenge! Meri Brown threatens to k*ill Kody Brown! Meri FIGHTS Kody & Robyn | sister wives season 19

Kody Brown Is Burning Bridges

When Kody Brown parted ways with ex-wife, Meri Brown, he says he was in deep grief. Seemingly, they are closing the relationship amicably.

However, Meri was second-guessing her decision to leave, but being grounded by Jenn Sullivan. Although Kody is reveling in his friendly relationship with Meri, his business dealings appear to be a backhanded jab.

After Sister Wives touched on the negotiations between Kody, Robyn, Meri, and Janelle Brown with the Coyote Pass property, fans pointed out the shady business.

Unmistakably, Meri seems to be getting the short end of the stick. But more than that, Kody continually pushes back about getting an appraisal. His resistance is very suspicious.

Kody and Meri Brown - Sister Wives
Kody and Meri Brown – Sister Wives

Kody Brown’s Resistance Proves He’s Lying

On Reddit, Sister Wives fans discuss how Kody Brown seems to be trying to cover something up. First, a user says, “Kody is hiding something.

” Then, they add, “Kody’s resistance to getting the appraisal is a very good telltale sign that he is hiding something and making sure that Robyn and him make out much better than the other wives.

I know he is short money (idk how though where does it go it’s not like he is supporting even half the kids), but he is definitely trying to make out with extra money or short Meri/Janelle in some way. He even said he would screw over Janelle if he could.”

  • “That conversation was completely confusing. He doesn’t want an appraisal, although it’s clear that everyone (besides Robyn) wants to sell. I think they obviously did sell, as how else would they have been able to afford the new home they purchased?”
  • “Kody is always hiding something. The fact Meri thought he would be fair is so laughable. Does she not know the man?”
Kody Brown from Sister Wives, TLC, Sourced from YouTube
Kody Brown – Sister Wives

Fans Weigh In

After the initial post, several Sister Wives fans weighed in about Kody Brown’s shifty business.

  • “Some sections of that land are worth more than others. No one is going to buy the sludge pond. That’s why he doesn’t want the appraisal. If it were divided equally, some could make more money than others when they sell. He wants to make sure he is on the more profitable portion of the land. If they have it appraised, the women might fight to change the property lines so it’s more equitable for everyone when they sell.”
  • “Two things that really stood out in last night’s episode, first when he commented as a talking head about Janelle or Meri potentially hiring an attorney because they didn’t want him to screw them he admitted, even though I would screw them. So he is angry The women would hire an attorney to protect themselves and then admits he would likely screw them over. The other thing that stood out when he was on the boys’ trip to Las Vegas he complains to his brothers that the ex-wives are trash, talking him, and the brothers basically blow that comment off. They know these women and they know their brother and they know these women likely we never trash, talking him the way he trash talked them. Cody is terrible at hiding his own behavior. I hope he does end up in poverty.”
Meri, Robyn, Kody, and Janelle Brown - Sister Wives
Meri, Robyn, Kody, and Janelle Brown – Sister Wives

Will He Do The Right Thing?

Although Kody Brown spitefully admitted he would screw over Janelle Brown in a heartbeat, his “virtuous” wife, Robyn won’t let him.

  • One user says, “Morally, yes they should pay Meri and Janelle back. Legally, they only have to if there was a contract between them. Kody isn’t going to give any wife other than Robyn a hot penny if he can help it.”
  • “Knowing what we know of Robin, she is likely using and manipulating him to her benefit because that is her whole lifestyle. Everyone must serve Robin. The other thing that bugs me when you look at that land, his name is on all four parcels. Meri and Janelle said they have all contributed to paying off Coyote Pass. So was that three of them contributing to paying it off or the four of them? Because I have a feeling, Cody is going to lay dibs on all four parcels with his name on it and portion out one for Janelle and one for Meri, because their name is only on two of the parcels shared with him and the only fair and equitable is a four-way split across the board, but you know he’s not thinking like that and you know Robin already has her fingers in the pie and always has. Her trying to say that she still wants to build on the property is absolutely laughable.”
Janelle Brown is worried Meri Brown won't get her fair share of Coyote Pass. - Sister Wives
Janelle and Meri Brown won’t get their fair share of Coyote Pass. – Sister Wives

Kody Brown Is Hiding Ill Intentions

Sister Wives believe Kody Brown is buying time to swindle Meri and Janelle Brown. Some people think he is hiding the fact he has ill intentions.

  • “What I think Cody‘s going to do is to take the entire land and split it by four. But instead of splitting it equally, he’s going to take his land and Robin’s land out of the total and then split the remaining by four. Giving Meri and Janelle their portion of a smaller pie. Whatever he does, it won’t be legit. He already titled the land unfairly.”
  • “This. He’s financially abusing them because it’s all he has left.”
  • “Kody panics every time a wife mentions lawyers and appraisals. I wouldn’t be surprised if the wives have been unknowingly paying his portion for him.”


What do you think? Will Kody Brown steal Coyote Pass out from under Meri and Janelle Brown out of spite? Are you ready to see more episodes of Sister Wives? Drop your comments below.



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