File this one under: “Another Reason Why Kody Brown Has the Hair He Deserves.”
In a recent social media video, part of which was posted to Reddit, Sister Wives star Meri Brown recalled a particularly hurtful stunt her then-husband Kody pulled years ago, one that is arguably cruel, even for Kody.
In the latest of her weekly social media videos featuring her BFF/known Kody critic Jenn Sullivan, Meri shared the painful memory, which occurred years ago when the Brown family still lived in Las Vegas, and when Kody was still married to wives Robyn, Meri, Janelle and Christine.
Meri explained that the incident began when she and Kody went to visit the gallery of an artist she liked, presumably to look at the artist’s work.
However, upon arriving at the gallery, Meri said she learned that Kody wasn’t just at the gallery to admire the art with her, he was actually there to make a payment on a piece of the artist’s work.
“ … I was like, ‘Oh, I really love that one,’ or ‘I like this one,’” Meri recalled. “[Kody] was like, ‘Oh, this one? I just bought it for Robyn. You can go to her house and look at it.’”

As fans of ‘Sister Wives’ know, the walls of Kody and Robyn’s (now former) Mountain Mansion were nearly covered with various art pieces and the purple-drenched residence also featured an array of reportedly pricey sculptures and other collectible pieces.
Unfortunately, we don’t know which of these pieces Meri was referring to in her video.

Naturally, Meri’s BFF was mortified to hear about Kody’s abominable act involving the artwork, (jokingly) suggesting that Meri should have responded to Kody’s callous comment with violence.
“Why didn’t you just push him off a cliff?” Jenn asked. “That’s justifiable homicide, bro!”

While Meri insisted that Kody’s low-down action was not a cause for violence, Jenn argued otherwise.
“It could be,” she said. “ … Ya know what? I feel like you’re being really negative right now. You can do anything you want to do.”
Watch the clip of Meri discussing the art incident below.