Sister Wives

Bombshell News!! Robyn Scowls As Breanna Gives Kody An Eye Full

Sister Wives has shown that Robyn Brown entered the Brown family with her three young children, Dayton, Aurora, and Breanna. In later years, Kody legally divorced Meri to adopt Robyn’s kids.

But in an episode, fans catch that Robyn scowls at her daughter, Breanna Brown, as she gives Kody Brown an eye full.

Breanna, Robyn, Kody Brown - Sister Wives

Something Seems A Little Strange

In the latest episode of Sister Wives, Robyn Brown discusses how Aurora and Breanna Brown came to her to discuss finding a church. Kody was fine with the girls finding a cute guy at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

However, Robyn immediately says she isn’t “okay” with it.  Furthermore, Robyn made it sound like it was hard for Aurora and Breanna to talk with Kody about things like church since he can be “intense.” In a confessional, Breanna giggles and says, “He’s intimidating. I don’t think he realizes it though.” However, some fans think Robyn may have a spark of jealousy when it comes to her daughters and their relationship with Kody. Likewise, their interactions give some fans the creeps.

Breanna and Aurora Brown - Sister Wives
Breanna and Aurora Brown – Sister Wives

Robyn Scowls As Breanna Gives Kody An Eye Full

On Reddit, Sister Wives fans discuss how Robyn Brown scowls at Breanna Brown as she gives Kody an eye full. First, a user says, “Robyn tells Briana to stop shaking/dancing video; shows how manipulative Robyn is.

” Then, they explain, “Robyn really is the manipulative one behind Kody; she lowkey does not want her kids to be scared away by him trying to impose these strict & unreasonable rules on them so she tries to make up these white lies & changes to get him on board with things.

Briana made a dance team in school where apparently there was some ‘booty dancing,’ that Kody was uncomfortable with and didn’t want her doing – to preserve her modesty and purity.

Maybe, he’s jealous to have other people see her dancing that way and maybe he is really just a creep – or he doesn’t want her giving the family a bad name.”

Robyn Brown can't believe Breanna is dancing on camera and in front of Kody. - Sister Wives
Robyn Brown can’t believe Breanna is dancing on camera and in front of Kody. – Sister Wives

Sister Wives Shows Robyn Controlling Breanna

Then, the Redditor continues, “He was always so quick to oust one kid for not following his rules! So Robyn assures him several times that it was a little risqué (since the older sister ratted her out), but that it was still competitive dance and that if it got crazy she would pull her out!

So crazy she made her stop dancing was either trying to not have Kody see so she could be like ohhh that didn’t happen or didn’t want the cameras to see and judge & maybe she just was jealous Kody kept looking who knows?

But I feel so sorry for those girls that they come home from school and can’t even feel comfortable in their own home because Kody the tyrant and Robyn the manipulator are ready to analyze every single thing they do.”

Breanna and Dayton stare at Robyn after she freaks out at Breanna dancing. - TLC
Breanna and Dayton stare at Robyn after she freaks out at Breanna dancing. – Sister Wives

Other Fans Gave Their Thoughts

Breanna Brown shows her excitement for making the dance team and begins to demonstrate for Aurora, Dayton, Solomon, and Kody, but Robyn freaks out. Whether it was blowing the front Robyn was presenting or making her jealous, she immediately instructed her to stop.

  • Another viewer answers, “You had me at her ‘eye f* cking!’😆🤣🤣🤣 Exactly!!!!”
  • “Ugh yes. He learns that his daughter made a dance team, and his first question is ‘IS IT BOOTY DANCING?!?!’”
  • “She wasn’t even dancing just doing a toddler-like bounce lol. She wasn’t twerking. I don’t think she was trying to dance, just being goofy and Robyn freaked and made her stop.”
  • “This is such performative ‘keep sweet’ BS for the cameras. She wants to portray this image of how pious and religious and pure they are. It’s so gross.”
Kody Brown wants to make sure Breanna won't be booty dancing.- TLC
Kody Brown wants to make sure Breanna won’t be booty dancing.- Sister Wives

Sister Wives Robyn Brown Runs The Conversation

Whether Sister Wives star, Robyn Brown was manipulating the conversation to convince Kody or to deter her daughter from inappropriate behavior, she was quick to cut it off.

Kody says he was “protecting her from peer pressure.”

  • Another viewer adds, “For me, this scene is somewhat planned but I think Robyn doesn’t want her booty dancing in front of camera to protect the image that’s prorated to the world that her kids are saints. The scene was planned to show she considers and obeys Kodys wishes but in actual fact I think he couldn’t care less what dance those girls do, he just wants to feel in charge and this is also Robyn’s way of making Kody feel in a position of power.”
  • “Hearing Kody and Robin talk about morals and values is insane to me. These mother fu*kers stole money from the OG3 for years!!!“
  • “Stop saying booty dance!!! It’s f-ing creepy.”
Kody and Robyn Brown discuss Breanna dancing. - Sister Wives
Kody and Robyn Brown discuss Breanna’s dancing. – Sister Wives

Sister Wives Hints At More

Although Sister Wives doesn’t directly say it, the show edits seem to point at Robyn Brown wanting to deter any flirty behavior between Kody and her daughters.

  • One viewer says, “That’s so weird that Kody is asking if it’s. Boot[y] dance and Robyn is not comfortable with her daughter dancing around Kody. I’m assuming that Kody was not allowed to see Robyn’s daughter compete.”
  • Someone else adds, “Is she worried that Kody might be interested since there is no biological relationship.”
  • Additionally, one person expresses, “If my dad said ‘booty dance’ to me I would vomit.”
  • Someone else recalls, “I remember that dance Robyn did on camera, WAY more provocative than this. Very Ray-Gun bad. Just bad in every way.”


What did you think about the video of Breanna Brown joining the dance team? Did it seem like Robyn Brown was scowling at the interaction between Breanna and Kody Brown?

Does it sound like Robyn manipulated the conversation? Are you ready to see more episodes of Sister Wives? Drop your comments below.

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