Sister Wives

Fans Spot Aurora Brown At Church, Robyn Lurking In Shadows?

Recently, Sister Wives has spotlighted Robyn Brown helping her daughters, Breanna and Aurora Brown find a new church.

Now, in the present day, fans spot Aurora happily hanging out and interacting at her new church but her mom, Robyn Brown, isn’t far away.

Robyn Led The Charge For Church

Sister Wives has featured Breanna and Aurora Brown in several episodes during Season 19, as they break out of their comfort zones to search for a new church.

With Robyn Brown right by their side, they took a trip to one church to meet with the pastoral staff and get a feel for it. However, in the present time, Aurora has been spotted integrating into her new church.

Robyn Brown, Breanna Brown, Aurora Brown, and the pastors from Sister Wives, TLC, sourced from YouTube
Robyn Brown, Breanna Brown, Aurora Brown, and the pastors. – Sister Wives

Fans Spot Aurora Brown At Church

On Reddit, Sister Wives fans spot Aurora Brown out “in the wild” exploring her new church. First, a user says, “Aurora Sighting.” Then, they show that she has been attending the Urban Hope Church based on their Instagram page.

Aurora Brown is getting to use her musical skills. - Instagram
Aurora Brown is getting to use her musical skills. – Instagram
  • Another Redditor adds, “I mean, good for her. Seems like she’s enjoying herself. Better than sitting around the house with her parents.”
  • “I totally agree. The only times she’s looked happy in recent years is when she’s playing music in those church photos. I hope it helps her create a life of her own.”
Aurora Brown seems happy at her church. - Instagram
Aurora Brown seems happy at her church. – Instagram
  • Then, the original poster jokes, “Maybe Sobyn is the drummer.”
  • However, someone takes a jab at Raygun and Robyn, “No, she’s the background breakdancer.”


Breanna Brown Joins The Fun

One Redditor thought Aurora Brown was making a clean break from the rest of her family. Saying, “Omg she’s allowed outside the depression house without her mother and sad sister.” Although the original Redditor’s picture didn’t show Breanna with Aurora Brown, she has broken out of her shell as well.

They are enjoying their new church. -Instagram
Breanna and Aurora Brown are enjoying their new church. -Instagram

Much to Robyn Brown’s chagrin, it seems the girls and boys are all intermingled.

  • Another user says, “Jesus that made me laugh. One episode Robyn doesn’t want them going to church JUST to find a man. And the next episode Kody is talking about how that is all the men do at church: scope for single women.”
One fan found it hilarious that Robyn didn't want her girls going just for men. - Reddit
One fan found it hilarious that Robyn Brown didn’t want her girls going just for men. – Reddit

Robyn Lurking In Shadows While Breanna And Aurora Brown Attend Church

Notably, Urban Hope Church isn’t the traditional scene that Robyn Brown grew up in. But Breanna and Aurora Brown don’t seem to want the same lifestyle that Kody and Robyn have lived. Undoubtedly, Breanna and Aurora have to find new ways to interact in the world.

She seems more at peace at Urban Hope Church. - Instagram
Aurora Brown seems more at peace at Urban Hope Church. – Instagram
  • One user adds Robyn Brown can’t resist, “I’m sure Mama is nearby.”
  • Another says, “As far as you know. Robyn is probably lurking around the corner.”
  • Someone else believes it was all an act during the episodes. Saying, “Because I think those scenes were all faked.. for the show .. she’s been happy and acting independent at that church for awhileTheyey are just trying to stay relevant for the show. $$$.”
Urban Hope Church. - Instagram
Aurora Brown at Urban Hope Church. – Instagram
  • “Oh, I guarantee Sobyn was there. At least lurking in the parking lot. She’s not ABOUT to allow her daughters to EVER think for a fu*king MOMENT that they are capable of being around ‘ other’ people, because she has honestly and with surgical precision removed any and ALL self-confidence, sense of self, and ESPECIALLY their ability to believe in or trust ANYONE.”
Some fans think Robyn is lurking nearby Aurora and Breanna Brown. - Reddit
Some fans think Robyn Brown is lurking near Aurora and Breanna Brown. – Reddit

What do you think about Aurora Brown’s new church? Do you think she is getting her feet under her? Does it seem like she is much happier after finding a support system at church? Are you ready to see a new episode of Sister Wives? Drop your comments below.

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