Mykelti Exposes the Real Reason TLC Halted Filming at Christine’s House!
Does Sister Wives star Christine Brown have a cleanliness issue in her home? A new video from Tony and Mykelti has some viewers shocked and appalled. Read on to see what was said.
Christine Brown’s Daughter Admits Their Houses Are Too Dirty For Filming
Over the last few seasons of Sister Wives, fans noticed they film inside home less frequently. In fact, many scenes take place in restaurants or stores.
Is there a reason behind that?

“Mykelti’s live saying TLC told her to hire help…” a Reddit user posted online. “Mykelti and her husband posted a live saying that not only in her home – but Christine’s as well (her mom’s), TLC told them they had to physically hire help – because their home wasn’t being cleaned properly.”
The OP went on to discuss how they found it odd that Christine couldn’t enlist her six children to pitch in and help with the cleaning.
“Apparently, TLC told Mykelti & Christine that their house was so dirty that if they didn’t hire help – they were worried it cause fans to cause CPS or child services to come take a look at the house or just extreme backlash with fans.
This isn’t shocking considering David even made a comment saying how gross their house was, but I can’t believe Christine’s house was dirty like that as well,” the OP continued.
They attached a video of Mykelti and Tony Padron discussing the situation on a live stream.
“We were actually told by higher-ups in the show that our house needs to be cleaner,” Mykelti explained. “So that’s actually when Mom started hiring help as well.”
“The sad reality is that of that statement is, I get it,” Tony chimed in. “Because you could get social services calling you just because your house is kinda messy and it was on TV.”
Sister Wives Viewers Felt Surprised At The Confession
Viewers acknowledged that messes happened from time to time, especially with such a large family. But it was indicative of a much larger problem if the network felt the need to intervene.
Comments included:
- “Their houses shouldn’t be THAT filthy where TLC is worried about child services being called repeatedly”
- “Yet people have given so much crap to Meri because she likes her home clean and in order. 🤷♀️”
- “If I had to guess, TLC or whoever probably said people would call CPS because fans are crazy. I’m sure they did not mean their house was so atrocious that they would get their kids taken away but that haters pick on anything and everything.”
- “Wonder if that’s another reason why Robyn didn’t film inside her home lol. She wasn’t about to spend more money on something like cleaners.”
How dirty do you think Christine Brown’s home actually was? Add your own thoughts and ideas in the comments below.