Sister Wives

‘Sister Wives’ Star Mykelti Brown Drops Shocking News About Baby Avalon!

Sister Wives star, Mykelti Brown Padron doesn’t always get on fans’ good side. But when it comes to her precious kiddos, people love seeing them growing up in a different environment than Mykelti did.

Now, Mykelti shares a sweet view through her little daughter, Avalon Padron’s eyes.

Avalon and Mykelti Brown Padron - Instagram

Avalon Padron Had Her World Turned Upside Down

Earlier in Sister Wives Season 19, Mykelti Brown Padron shared that Avalon Padron’s world was completely rocked with they brought home babies, Ace and Archer.

Going from being an only child to suddenly having two brothers stealing the spotlight was a major transition. But now, Mykelti shares how big sis Avalon likes to spend her days.

Mykelti Brown Padron with her children, Avalon, Ace, and Archer, from Instagram
Mykelti Brown Padron with her children, Avalon, Ace, and Archer, – Instagram

Mykelti Brown Shows World Through Avalon’s Eyes

On Mykelti Brown Padron’s Facebook page, she shared how Avalon Padron is embracing life now. She captions: “My little Miss Avalon LOVES taking photos. I end up with 100+ new random photos on my phone every day.

In this case, it was cute. Tony and I don’t take a lot of photos together because usually one of us is wrangling the kids. This is a typical evening after we’re both off work and the boys are in bed.

Avalon hangs out with us, Tony watches his show, I cuddle next to him and read. It’s little moments like this that help our relationship grow stronger. Just being in each others company while still doing ‘our own thing’ #coupleswho #bonding #ourtime Also that’s a whole lotta leg my man @tonychessnut.”

  • Someone comments how wonderful it is Mykelti Brown can see through Avalon’s eyes. Saying, “Plus, this is what Avalon sees. How wonderful.”
  • “Future great photographer on your ha.”
  • Another fan gives a nod to Uncle Garrison Brown, “She’s following in her uncle’s footsteps taking beautiful photos 💜.”
  • “So cool to see a child’s perspective.”
Mykelti Brown & Avalon From Sister Wives, TLC, Sourced From @mykeltip Instagram
Mykelti Brown & Avalon From Sister Wives, TLC, Sourced From @mykeltip Instagram

Relaxing Together

In some ways, Mykelti Brown Padron’s message also seems to clap back at people who have speculated that she and Tony Padron’s relationship was on the rocks.

  • “Keep doing this! Married 34 years and hubby and I don’t enjoy the same content when relaxing but just being together even if doing separate things is important to a relationship!”
  • “Looks like a nice slow down to a very busy life. Cherish these moments and always make the time to cuddle, and share chill time.”
  • “Yall and your family are ADORABLE! Love that you’re so willing to share your lives, love watching you heal and the family grow!❤️❤️❤️NC looks good on you Mykelti Padron.”
  • “You two are the best ❤️❤️ love this.”

What do you think about Avalon Padron’s cute picture she captured of her mom, Mykelti Brown Padron relaxing with her dad?

Do you think Mykelti was simply sharing Avalon’s worldview, or was it a way to kill two birds with one stone by addressing rumors? Are you ready to see more episodes of Sister Wives? Tell us what you think in the comments below.

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